Selasa, 09 April 2013

Using a Blog, RSS Feeds, Twitter and Facebook

By now, anyone who spends time on the web trying to market their business has heard the the somewhat nebulous term "Web 2.0 Network". If you are somewhat confused by the many definitions of the term, don't worry. It's really just a general tag for the RSS connection of social networks and blogs. Even better, you don't need to be an internet marketing guru to create one of these networks. All you have to do is follow a few simple steps and you can significantly increase the visibility of your website and the number of people reading your blog. Take a moment and do the following:

1) Create a blog. If you don't already have one, create a blog and attach it to your main website. You can do this using Wordpress or any of the other free and easy to use blog creation programs available on the web.

2) Go to Feedburner and burn an RSS feed. Feedburner is the Google feed tool, so it will give you the added benefit of an easy connection to Google Analytics and AdSense. You can even add "AdSense for Feeds" to each of your connected RSS feeds and have an additional source of income. Once the feed is burned, start registering with RSS and blog directories to increase your exposure. Most of them are free and can be found by doing a simple search for "RSS Directories".

3) Use the "Publicize" tool on Feedburner to connect your RSS feed to a Twitter account. This function can be found under "Socialize". If you don't have a Twitter Account, open one up and spend a few dollars on a follower building tool like Hummingbird to build your network. You can also find code for an RSS subscription box on Feedburner. Add it to your website to help build a contact list for future posting. There's even an email option for subscribers.

4) Connect your Twitter account to Facebook. Once again, if you don't have a Facebook account, open one. There isn't an automatic friend builder tool that won't get you shut down, but Facebook does have a number of social network games where you can build networks quickly. Mafia Wars is one of the most popular. Play for a while and add two or three thousand new friends. You'll be surprised at how many respond to your blog posts when you make them.

Once the entire network is in place, start writing blog posts on a regular basis or hire a content writing service to do it for you. Every time you publish a post, it will show up on Twitter and Facebook, plus go out as an RSS feed to any RSS directories you register the feed with. If you want to add other social networks, start with Linked In and Digg, then connect to Technorati, Stumble Upon, and Mixx. You'll find others by connecting the Wordpress Plugin called "Sociable" to your blog.

If you connect "Google Webmaster Tools" to your blog, you can track the number of links that you acquire every time you do a blog post. Google Analytics is useful also. It will tell you where your traffic co

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