Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Updates to Twitter and Our Policies

Hi, donibltr donibltr
New things are always happening here at Twitter HQ. We're growing at a rapid pace, and our commitment to simplicity, transparency, and reaching every person on the planet continues. We thought you might be interested in knowing about some of our most recent developments:
In addition, we've made a number of updates to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
Here are some of the main changes to our Privacy Policy, with links for more information:
  • We've provided more details about the information we collect and how we use it to deliver our services and to improve Twitter. One example: our new tailored suggestions feature, which is based on your recent visits to websites that integrate Twitter buttons or widgets, is an experiment that we're beginning to roll out to some users in a number of countries. Learn more here.
  • We've noted the many ways you can set your preferences to limit, modify or remove the information we collect. For example, we now support the Do Not Track (DNT) browser setting, which stops the collection of information used for tailored suggestions.
  • We've clarified the limited circumstances in which your information may be shared with others (for example, when you've given us permission to do so, or when the data itself is not private or personal). Importantly, our privacy policy is not intended to limit your rights to object to a third party's request for your information.
In our Terms of Service, we've clarified how your relationship with Twitter works and made a number of small changes and formatting improvements, such as new headings for easy reference and updated descriptions of our services.
Take a moment to read our new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, and thanks for using Twitter.
The Twitter Team

Blog Blueprint: New Coursel for Autoblogging

Lots of people are searching every month how to blog for profits, how to do autoblogging and how to apply this new concept of autoblogging to create a very profitable business model.

Autoblogging is different than blogging. Since those two sounds the same, people are getting confused with the idea. They think that their one blog is enough to generate and make a profitable business..

Although it is very possible to have a profitable business with just only one blog but the idea and concept of autoblogging is to help you create numbers of blogs in different niches and monetize each one of those blogs.

People who are so-called gurus talked about having $1000 per month because of the help of autoblogging. Even if you can create such a tremendous amount of money with one blog, it is very rare. By doing autoblogging using Blog Blueprint you can have have an income between $30 to $100 a month per blog. See how much money you can get. The chances that one blog can generate $1000 a month is pretty slim and the chances that each of your blogs in your network of blogs can generate $1000 a month with each blog is even slimmer.

Autoblogging can help you create tons of different blogs with different templates and in different niches that will lead to the creation of your blogging empire which where you generates an income.

The idea of creating 100 blogs bringing in $50 a month each is very appealing, it simply means $5000 a month. The downside for this concept is that you have to spend a lot more time to build 100 blogs from scratch, so right tools are needed to make it possible.

That's why you need Blog Blueprint to create you a very profitable autoblogging empire. Autoblog Buddy, Auto Blog Installer are just sample software that you will need to create your blog networks on autopilot.

Creating one simple blog with the blog blueprint without the software takes approximately 2 hours. By the help of the software you can build a fully functional blog in under 20 minutes. Autoblog Installer will do all the task in 20 seconds. You still have to do some configuration on the plugins and minor work after that but the major work is already done by the software. AutoBlog Buddy will automatically generate the content of your blog.

Autoblogging is hard but with the help of the tools inside blog blueprint 3.0 system it will become a lot easier and faster.

I hope that the difference between blogging and autoblogging is clear to you now. I personally use autoblogging as a model for my online business. Most of your autoblogging machines will generates between $50 to $100 a month and your one blog created through blog blueprint course will bring in $500 in 2 weeks time. Sometimes, you will earn nothing from a particular blog. You need to be aware of that. So doing keyword research properly can increase your chances of earning more money. My theory is that the more you spend finding targeted keywords, the more chances you have on making more profits with your autoblogging machines.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software