Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Worlds? First Printed Blogging Magazine and Social Network

How is "Bloghology" different from other advertising opportunities? Why provide a bloggingmagazine and new community platform?

"Bloghology" is unique by offering a range of approaches to advertising, within the context of a changing online world. More 'traditional styles of marketing and advertising have become less effective in recent times, with the fast growth and popularity of relatively new online 'web2.0' trends, including blogging at its core. This has also been described as social interactive media, which requires generating a two-way relationship, and greater transparency and trust between you and your customers that is: a 'softer' relationship, or conversational style of internet marketing, as opposed to traditional, hard advertising. Bloghology offers you both approaches via the Bloghology Magazine (printed and digital versions), and its related online and centralized network of sites. In this respect, four (4) "Bloghology" platforms are available to you for advertising, each of which offers its own unique benefits, including the: 1. Bloghology Magazine (Quarterly Printed Version) 2. B loghology Magazine (Monthly Animated Digitalized Version) 3. Main Online Bloghology Platform-Website, and the 4. NEW Blogging Community-Social Network This enables even greater exposure and interaction in promoting company brands, as follows:


The printed version of the Bloghology Magazine will be distributed to an audience of 40,000 readers per quarter, whilst the digital, online version is expected to have 100,000 copies distributed on a monthly basis to loyal subscribers. In every issue of the Magazine (and on the main online Bloghology website), bloggers will find the most interesting and current topics to help them succeed, including expert advice and interviews from successful entrepreneurs and pro-bloggers. Topics range from: "Make Money Blogging" to "Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tips". Categories include Blogging news, lessons, interviews and reviews, with for example: blog design tips, comparisons of blogging platforms and editing software, guides for writing articles and content, goals, project management and planning needs, references to 'gadgets' and add-ons to expedite the blogging process, technical questions and answers, comparisons of blogging products, reviews of trends in the 'blogosphere' by looking at 'what's next in blogging', and tips/lessons to make money through online advertising ventures.

Printed Version:

In addition to distribution to subscribers on a quarterly basis, the Printed version of the Bloghology magazine will also be distributed via Trade Show Expos and other related Internet Conferences (the Bloghology team is conducting ongoing research on these events, with details and event planners for dates and trades shows coming soon). The magazine will also be distributed in newsagencies, kiosks, and other off-line venues.

Digital Version ( )

The digitalized and 3D, interactive online version of the Bloghology Magazine is essentially a different 'product' than the printed version (including different topics), and will be published on a monthly basis with 12 issues per year. It was first published for the BlogWorldExpo.com and New Media Conference on the 19th of September 2008. The first Digital edition of the Bloghology Magazine was read by 85,000 readers and this number is expected to continue increasing daily. The digital version of the Bloghology Magazine also provides additional and unique opportunities for advertisers, where for instance: It is more easily accessible for busy professionals on the run, or bloggers who may have less time to sit and read printed documents, especially if they also work a day job outside of their blogging endeavours (this is particularly important in this increasingly mobile age - hence, subscribers can instantly access and read the magazine from anywhere it is published on a monthly basis, resulting in more advertising opportunities on an ongoing basis; The software that powers the digital magazine is interactive and enables readers to directly search; and click through to your company's sites and products; Monthly subscriptions provide greater visibility and increased traffic and associated sales prospects; The digital version also enables multimedia style advertising, with video, audio, and other dynamic interactive features, which will be added as the Magazine grows;

Combined, both the printed and digital versions of the Bloghology Magazine provide a greater and synergistic value for advertisers and bloggers all round.


3. Main Bloghology Platform (Bloghology.org )

The main online platform (or 'home') for the Bloghology Magazine is at . This platform is an informative and interactive website, allowing a range of bloggers (including company bloggers) to join and submit articles related to blogging and the Blogosphere, for publication. This site attracts a wide range of topics and audience, and hence again, provides increased advertising opportunities, spaces and niches.

4. The New Bloghology 'Community' Network (or "So c i a l- Co m m u n i t y Ne t w o r k) .

The new Blogging Community, or Social Network, is another important extension of Bloghology. However, it is significantly more interactive, to reflect the community nature of blogging and the softer, web2.0 style of marketing. It functions and looks similar in many ways, to today's popular social networking sites such as MySpace or Facebook. However, the Bloghology Community Platform is unique in that it provides additional features and functions which are special to bloggers and blogging related issues.

It is here that you can adopt the softer approach to marketing your company and products/services. When joining the Bloghology Community Network, there is a clear ability to define 'who' you are, as a blogger and/or a 'company' to increase transparency and visibility. Introduce yourself, your personnel and genuinely interact and converse with prospective customers. Demonstrate your ability to provide great products and services to benefit bloggers. You are there to help, to create a growing Network of Friendships and Contacts. Possibly create ventures with other like-minded companies in providing solutions online.

In Essence: By joining, you can create an online and highly visible 'profile' for your company and/or employees, including contact information, thus making it easier for customers to reach you; Share detailed information about your products and services with potential sales prospects and partners; Grow a Network of Friends as other members get to know you. Interact, demonstrate trust; and highlight how your company can genuinely help in providing solutions to bloggers and marketers with your products and services; More direct and select (or traditional style) advertising spaces will also be available to your company, for bloggers to view, when in need of solutions;

Further information and statistics on the Bloghology Community Network will be coming soon given that it is still in beta, and is currently being tested by a growing number of members. Feedback from these beta members is resulting in significant improvements to the overall value of the site for all future members, when it is publicly launched for bloggers and companies alike.

THE PERSONAL TOUCH: Results of Advertising the Bloghology Way

By providing multiple solutions and four media platforms to Bloggers in this changing world of marketing, especially through the Bloghology Magazine, all Companies and Advertisers benefit with increased exposure and visibility for their products and services. Increase your brand recognition to one of the world's largest growing internet audiences in the blogosphere.

Increase the buzz and generate trust to a targeted and ever-growing blogging industry - with the personal touch of "Bloghology".

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

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