Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Have you seen our new design?

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Have you seen our new design?

EasyHits4U website has received a completely new design for your member's area. Among many other updates — the new "My Dashboard" feature has been added to your Member's home page:


With this new Dashboard you can now conveniently check:

  • how many credits, impressions, or offer points you have at the moment;
  • if you have any new messages or connection requests waiting;
  • how many connections, surf drawing tickets and standard drawing tickets you have.

If you don't have a site or banner, our Dashboard system will suggest adding one. If you don't have impressions, our system will tell you about the ways to get them, and so on. Try it out and give us your feedback!

Your EasyHits4U profile page has been completely re-designed as well. You can now preview how your profile looks for your connections and public.

Preview profile

We have created the Quick Tips to help you with our new interfaces. If you are not sure how to work with a current page, simply click on the "Quick Tips" button in the top left corner and get instant help:

Quick Tips

Check out the new design and receive 250 bonus impressions

This week's buyer drawing winner is Tjincal who received 5000 bonus credits + 5000 banner impressions + 5000 text ad impressions. For every 1000 credits you purchase, you receive one ticket for the drawing!

Your EasyHits4U profile Your EasyHits4U profile | Check messages in your Inbox.

You have 1.00 credits on your account balance.
Log in today and surf — www.EasyHits4U.com

Thank you for your continuous support!
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If you wish to contact us by postal mail, please send a letter to:
EasyHits4U.com, M.P.O. Box 296, Oberlin, OH 44074-0296, U.S.A.

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