Blogging is one great way to earn either passive or active income without actually stressing yourself out too much. You can blog just about anything that interests you and it should actually be about something you are passionate about so that keeping your blog updated will be an easy thing for you to do. Some people have even turned blogging into a full time earning opportunity because it's easy to follow through. Aside from a specific passion you want to talk about, it also takes a genuine love for writing to be able to profit from it.
But the best means to tell whether blogging is something that you can turn into something profitable are the readers you have. Blogging for yourself will not make your site profitable enough to place ads on it. It will not also pique the interest of other businesses which are looking for good places online where they can have ads commissioned. So you might want to do a little blog marketing in order to profit from this growing trend. Here are some quick tips you might want to follow in doing so:
Tap your own networks first - Before you brave a whole new audience of people you hardly knew and who may not even know you at all, start from those who are actually close or known to you. Let them be your first critics and try to get a feel of how you will be accepted publicly based from the reactions they will have upon seeing your blog site. There are numerous ways in which you can let them know that you already have a new website. You can either use the social networking sites to let them know or email them the link to your blog site.
Use the power of social media - There are a number of social networking sites which you can use to your advantage. You can start posting bits and pieces from your blog site to these social networking sites where you signed up for. You can easily do this through the use of TinyURL which helps shorten the links to your blog site.
Create bookmarks - You can also u se social bookmarking in order to create visibility on your website. This is a smart process to go through especially if you want to target specific keywords relating to your website. Plus, others would also get the chance to look at your bookmarks and therefore share them within their own networks if they like what you have written.
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