A blog site is an interactive, two way mass communication. It is a revolutionary, step forward on traditional media and other sources of information and entertainment. All media, before Internet and invention of blog site, were essentially one way and audience did not have any methodavailable to providedirect feedback or opinion. Blog site allows, every reader, listener and viewer to publish his or her opinion online, as opposed to the opinions published by professional, paid journalists only, who, in most cases, are expected to follow the editorial policy of their employers, like any employee of a business, government or non-profit organization. Audience on the other hand are independent representatives of public opinion, who do not have to follow the editorial policies, since they are not theemployees of that particular medium or employer. This has changed the face of entertainment and information. Forced by rapidly growing popularity of Internet and every quality blog s ite, most traditional media are now welcoming the feedback and opinion from their audience, via their websites and a representative blog siteor simply through connections like direct telephone calls, emails andfacebook, twitter and other social networking sites. Before Internet and online blog site, the information and entertainment publishing was exclusively considered asa professional job and common people were presumed to be incapable of publishing anything to mass media. Media and publishing agencies would not even dream of publishing anything from a person who was not considered as professional journalist or artist or who was not pre-qualified by a qualifying authority, usually another professional or a group of professionals. Internet andevery blog site on it, broke this myth, which is still hard to digest, for many critics ofcitizen journalism, a new terminology, applied to presumably non-professional authors from general public, who are publishing their articles, com ments andwritten, audio and video blog site, without any pre-approval from a so called professional. Internet and blog site, has once again proved that approval doesn't need to come from a professional, but itmust come from general public, which isa democratic principle. Based on this extra-ordinary involvement from general public, many so called professionals are now challenging the authenticity of very public sources of information and entertainment like, YouTube and WikiPedia.
It is of great interest that the greatest disinformation, misleading, deceiving and even lying campaigns are historically, always ran by so called professionals. I think, what is causing serious problems in the acceptance of these extremely public and democratic media, is the same that is and has always been a problem in the acceptance of democracy, here and world over.Which is, special interest, involving rich, powerful, influentialand famous people and groups of people. So called professionals were always for sale and their loyalties were much easier to buy, compared to these millions of citizen, non-professional journalists, scattered throughout the globe. It is impossible to buy or control these true representatives of public opinion. So, trashthem by labeling as unauthentic. Just like, it is still, totally incomprehensible to too many, how can an inexperienced, newcomer, from a minority group, who hasminimal ties with status quo, can become the ruler of the world and most powerful person of our times. They cannot hate him, enough, for challenging thetraditional political wisdom.
Similarly, thecitizen journalists and entertainers and a blogsite representing them, are huge target of so called professional, sold out journalists. They are really scaredwith true face of unbiased, neutral and raw journalism and entertainment. As a matter of fact,it's not really that scary.Simply, not polished and made-up by professionals. It is just as bitter as any raw and straight forward truth. An average blog site is very hard to digest for special interest, which is used to with buying out so called professional journalists and entertainers.
On the other hand, it is very easy and simple for an average Joe to relate him or herself to a blog site. If you liked something , you can appreciate it right then and there. If not, you are free to pass on your criticism. If you think it is incomplete, you can go ahead and complete it, right away. If you think that some necessary facts are missing, you are most welcome to fill in the blanks. This is the beauty of a blog site, andit isunacceptable for the practice of deception, which relies on twisting and hiding the facts.
A blog site has the capacity to accommodate every point of view, from every standpoint and from every angle. Anyone who visits the site can go to the bottom and contribute, whatever he wants just by filling out an online form. No cumbersome typing on paper, mailing and postage andlong waits for approval from editors. Still, no guarantee for anything. Many super hit authors, writers and artists have faced serious repeated rejection from world's most renowned publishers, producers, directorsand editors, before they had their final break, which made them a super star. After that every publisher, producer and director wanted to hire them at any price, many ofwhom were the ones who rejected earlier. One can easilyunderstand, why it is so hard for these publishers, producers and directorsto say good-bye to this immenseauthority and power. How the hell these little idiots who were supposed to beg them for a chance, are now on their own go ahead and publish anything they want, any time they want? This is ridiculous. Instead of these publishers, producers, writers, managers and big media companies, now average Joes are going to decide who is good and who is not good enough? This does not make any sense? These stupid masses are taking away every thing one by one from privileged classes. Is this world is going toward a state in which there will be no elites? No special interest? No hierarchy? This is what native Americans tried to teach us when we first arrived here! Land belongs to everyone or commune. We didn't listen. Killed millions of them and now the time is pushing us back to same hard reality? No hierarchy? Everyone is equal in the ownership of this virtual land and can use it anyway he or she wants? Without any approval from higher authority? As a matter of fact, it looks likethere will be no higher authority. What a commoner approach!
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