Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

Online Marketing ? Three Tips to Getting Internet Traffic To Your Blog

Everybody has a blog. No matter the topic or discussion someone has got it covered. From online diaries in the mid nineties to becoming one of the foundations of the internet, blogging along with video and social book marking is changing not only how we get our information but also the manner in which online business is conducted.

This is why it would be a good idea for you incorporate blogging into your overall internet marketing plan. What blogging can do very effectively is to build your target markets and bring you a steady flow of internet traffic and customers.

Email Marketing List In a recent survey, 100% of online users say they communicate using email. This is a good way to send messages to your opt in email list with links going back to your blog web site. Let them know you have posted a new article or video on your blog. Use snippets or summaries to entice people to click on the link and get further information. The more times people on your list see your blog the more they will get to know you and give a second look to some products or services you maybe offering.

In addition you can gain more viewers to your blog by giving away a subscription along with free report. Advertise in ezine publications that target your niche as well as forums and classified ad sites like US Free Ads.

Free RSS Feed Rich Site Summary also known as Really Simple Syndication is the process of delivering constantly updated content to your blog by pacing a block of code known as a feed on your webpages. In our fast paced information age RSS fits perfectly. It allows your visitors to stay up to date on any new information you have added to your blog without necessarily having to visit every page on your blog. Instead they view a window that list the headlines followed by a quick summary of what each article is about.

Having a free RSS feed accomplishes two things besides getting more site traffic. First since the content is updated frequently it keeps the search engines coming back to your site and crawling for the new information, Second it can increase your visibility among your blog visitors. This is important because while they may not visit your blog everyday, providing a feed to your subscribers is a good way to for them to stay in touch.

Network A blog network is a compilation of blogs under a sole domain or company name. Some web visitors take comfort in clicking a link that takes them to different bloggers who cover the same topic. This is also an excellent way to get free advertisement and free web traffic to your site since people who visit the network will invariably be exposed to your blog.

You can also submit to blog directories or just ask your readers to give you feedback on something you posted. No matter which technique you choose, blogging offers a new way to connect with your readers. Simple, unfiltered and a perfect fit for internet, blogging is a smart resource to have in your internet marketing online tool kit.

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