Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

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Nasional Bootcamp 14 iConvertion, Bukan sekedar Gaya dan Terlihat Kaya

Kepada Member PPCindo,

Nasional Bootcamp bekerjasama dengan PPCindo mengundang Anda kembali untuk dapat bergabung dalam SEO Training Nasionalbootcamp #14 Jogja - Social Media Workshop & Seminar Event 2013 yang kali ini mengangkat tema :

"iConversion SEO & Social Media"

CRO Strategy: Meningkatkan SalesForce dan ROI

Low Budget, Low Effort, High Impact!


* CRO = Conversion Rate Optimization


Yang akan dilaksakan pada :

Hari        : Kamis s/d Sabtu

Tanggal : 18, 19, dan 20 April 2013

Pukul     : 09.00 – 21.00 Wib





iConversion  SEO dan Social Media: Meningkatkan ROI dengan Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) menjadi tema bahasan yang menarik untuk kita angkat pada tema Nasional Bootcamp #14. Bagaimana memberi gambaran komprehensif tentang membuat vistior Anda menjadi loyal customer, melalui landing page optimization. Anda akan diberikan contoh langkah-langkah yang dapat anda lakukan untuk sukses mengkonversi visitor menjadi loyal customer.


Masih banyak orang yang belum menyadari mendapatkan jumlah visitor yang tinggi bukanlah akhir dari perjuangan. Yang menjadi tujuan utama adalah membuat visitor menjadi loyal customer.


Di Nasional Bootcamp kali ini kita akan mengupas tuntas bagaimana mengoptimalkan Bisnis Online untuk memperoleh Return On Investment (ROI) dengan tepat dan cepat.



  1. Rene Suhardono              : Career Coach
  2. Riyeke Ustadiyanto        : Founder IPAYMU, SEO CRO Expert
  3. Reza Yazdi                          : Google Analytic & Google Adwords Expert
  4. Bramantya Farid               : Juara SEO Dunia 2012 & Founder SEO Academy
  5. Ilham Taufiq M                 : Creative Facebook Marketing Strategy
  6. Kuntowiyoga                     : Profesional Creative Business & Marketing Development
  7. Turochas Fuad                   : Founder Travelmob.com
  8. Ahmad Zaky                       : Digital Specialist at Alchemy Creative Communications


Investasi: Rp. 3.000.000,-

Bayar dengan IPAYMU : 2.500.000

Daftar untuk 5 Orang Gratis 1.

Fasilitas :

  • Workshop kit
  • Merchandise (T-Shirt NBC)
  • Hotspot internet koneksi di area workshop.
  • Gratis penginapan selama 5 hari 4 malam termasuk sarapan.
  • 2x coffebreak, 2x makan selama 3 hari kegiatan berlangsung.
  • Sertifikat


Informasi selengkapnya dapat menghubungi :



Contact Person : Ita

No. Tlp                  : 021 – 26136640



Contact Person : Saskia / Ida

No. Tlp                  : 0361 – 766272 / 7431026

Sms                      : 0813 – 5331 7509

Email                     : panitia@nasionalbootcamp.com


 Bagi yang berminat untuk bergabung dan mendapatkan informasi lebih lengkap mengenai pelaksanaan Nasional Bootcamp 2013.


Download Proposal Lengkap klik disini


Daftar Online : http://www.nasionalbootcamp.com


Demikian informasi dari kami, terimakasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya.


Ayo Buruan Gabung…Tempat Terbatas!


Salam NBC!

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What is a Blog Money?

Blog Money is the profit you get from blogging, period. Is it really possible to earn bucks from blogging? Yes, you can but how? It doesn't happen overnight. In fact, it's going to take some time and much effort however, if you're smart you can make it happen.

Before you start earning blog money, you need to know how to make a blog. Beginners, usually create blogs using Blogger.com. It doesn't require any HTML know how just have some good articles ready, some photos or videos that you would like to add and don't forget to include some advertising usually through Google Adsense then you're all set. If you don't know anything about Google Adsense, you can go directly to the Google Adsense site and read the directions on how you can get started and profit from this.

Nothing will change the fact that the chances of success in this online business is almost nil. In fact 99% of bloggers fail to earn blog money. Common mistakes include people not knowing what niche they should write about, the contents of the blog are not consistent with the topic they choose, they fail to update their blogs frequently or they just don't know what to do to make their blogs profitable.

Bloggers who are serious about making money should pay attention on how to drive traffic to their blogs. Without traffic, your blog will eventually mold and disappear from the vast world of the Internet. To drive traffic to your blogs, you have to write unique content. Next, be active in your community by posting some comments in forums. Please don't make your comments appear like a sales talk. Be subtle. You have to be sincere with what you are trying to communicate and how the community will benefit from it then you can introduce your blog.

Once you have introduced your blog, this will most likely attract viewers and slowly but surely you can watch your traffic increase. The more traffic your blogs get the more people will click on your Google Adsense link s and this will convert to blog money.

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