Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Smartphone Study


nggota yang terhormat agus doni kristanto 

ID Online Survey Survei baru! Saranan dan anggapan Anda sangat berguna bagi meningkatkan kualitas produk.Jangan ragu, ayok menyertai!

INformasi survei
Nomor survei: p0003500
Nama survei: Smartphone Study
Panjangnya: 18 menit
Angka bonus: 240 angka
Waktu Mulai: 2012.01.18
Masukkan survei:
Janjian kami
1. Asal anggota tidak mendapat angka dengan mengulangi rekeningnya atau cara illegal lain,iPanel Online menjanjikan bahwa kami pasti akan memberi Anda angka.Asal Anda menyelesaikan survei,Anda pasti akan mendapat hadiah kami dengan penukaran.
2. Kami tidak akan mengeluarkan informasi Anda..
3. Ajuran dan informasi yang Anda sajikan dalam survei semuanya untuk menyelidikan data survei dan statistik.Kami tidak akan mengenai informasi pribadi Anda

Hadiah anda akan dibayar dengan Paypal account. Silahkan kunjungi ke untuk mendaftar account Paypal; setelah itu update ke profil anda.
Pada saat anda mengajukan penukaran, sistem kami akan langsung mengalihkan ke account Paypal anda.



Pengingat: Nino Savio dan angle tsani ingin menjadi teman kamu


Sejak Sabtu 7 Januari 2012, kamu telah diundang oleh 2 orang kenalan kamu untuk bergabung dengan Netlog, situs komunitas sosial untuk jutaan anak muda di Eropa.

Undangan dari Nino Savio
23 tahun - laki-laki

Hubungi Nino Savio

Undangan dari angle tsani
20 tahun - perempuan

Hubungi angle tsani

Bergabunglah dengan Netlog dan:
  • Buat halaman web kamu sendiri
  • Perluas jaringan sosial kamu
  • Bagi foto dan video
  • Tulis pesan blog
  • Dan masih banyak lagi ...

Klik link ini untuk menerima undangan:

Tidak mau menerima undangan dari teman kamu lagi? Klik di sini.
Don't want to receive invitations from your friends anymore? Click here.

Massive Media NV E. Braunplein 18. B-9000 Gent. Belgium BE0859635972.

Secrets Of Autoblogging

Remember the old adsense sites that use to make a lot of income? Well there is a new and fresh update to that income model and it's called autoblogging. Autoblogging is a system of creating many small niche-focused blogs and monetizing them with affiliate sources. Content to the blogs is automatically dripped via plugins and RSS feeds, so it really is a type of "set it and forget it" income stream.

The key to success with autoblogging is that you must pick tiny, untapped niches and that you create a LOT of blogs because each one is only going to generate a very small amount of revenue (a few bucks a day). Yet if you can create many blogs that make a few dollars a day, the point is that it all adds up to a pretty decent amount of money per day.

Autoblogging - What's Good

What most people love about autoblogging is the fact that you can set it and forget it. Once you set it up, all you have to do is allow the affiliate income to drip in.

Another great thing about autoblogging is that when you use it with WordPress, you can use some powerful WordPress plugins to automatically add content to your blog on a regular basis. Content like articles, reviews, and videos. This is what differentiates the autoblogging affiliate model of today from the old adsense html websites of the past. You are constantly adding fresh content to your blogs, which the search engines love, but you're doing it automatically - -so you are not tied to adding fresh content to dozens of sites everyday.

Autoblogging - What's Not So Good

Of course if you are automatically adding content from other website sources to your blogs, you need to find a way to make that content unique. It doesn't make sense to post duplicate content from bigger sites to your little, new, niche sites. No one will ever find your sites in a search because they will probably suffer from a Google content filter.

Another autoblogging issue is that the key to success is being able to produce a large number of blogs with the least amount of time/effort. And that's where the autoblogging offers come in. There are companies out there who will sell you the "method" or their "system" for building and implementing autoblogs, but they really make their money by selling you the software needed to create a lot of WordPress blogs, with the same settings, and the same plugins at one time. Some call it batch processing. This cuts down on the time creating and setting up your blogs - tremendously.

How To Use Autoblogging

It's important to understand that if you choose to create passive income from affiliate article marketing as I do, and so many other online entrepreneurs, that autoblogging is NOT your golden ticket! While I am sure there are many marketers who are going to claim that they make thousands of dollars a month autoblogging - this probably won't be you. Nor is it most people. But what it is - is a nice source of passive income that you can create with just a little upfront effort. Niche selection, setting up the blogs, etc.

How To Get Started With Autoblogging

There are many marketers out there who teach autoblogging, but if you know how to set up a blog on WordPress or on Blogger, then you can get started without any real investment.

1. Select your niche.

2. Make sure you can penetrate by doing solid keyword research

3. Set up your blog on a self-hosted WordPress blog or a Blogger blog.

4. Add a variety of content on your niche. Use automated WordPress plugins to help.

5. Monetize your blog.

6. Sit back and let the magic happen!