Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

International Consumer Spend Study


Dear agus doni kristanto

Indonesia Online Survey new survey! Your comments and suggestions is very helpful to improve the products and services.

Please do not hesitate to participate in to the survey!

Survey information
Survey No:  P28000361
Survey Name:International Consumer Spend Study
LOI: 25 Minute
Rewards: 80 Points
End Time: 2012.10.20
survey linke:
Our Commitment
1. As long as you are not using multiple accounts or deception to make improper benefits, iPanel Online guarantee that you will get the reward points, cash, prizes and gifts.
In accordance with relevant provisions, through the exchange of the prize you’ll get your reward received.
2. We will not disclose any personally identifiable information to any third party.
3. Use of any information we gather for the purpose of statistics and research will
  be limited to aggregate level, without identification of any individual. 

Payment Mode
Your prize will be pay through Paypal account. Please check and confirm your Paypal account when you make an aplication for payment.
If due to your account problem we cant redeem or pay to others’ account, we wont be responsible for this!


International Consumer Spend Study


Dear agus doni kristanto

Indonesia Online Survey new survey! Your comments and suggestions is very helpful to improve the products and services.

Please do not hesitate to participate in to the survey!

Survey information
Survey No:  P28000361
Survey Name:International Consumer Spend Study
LOI: 25 Minute
Rewards: 80 Points
End Time: 2012.10.20
survey linke:
Our Commitment
1. As long as you are not using multiple accounts or deception to make improper benefits, iPanel Online guarantee that you will get the reward points, cash, prizes and gifts.
In accordance with relevant provisions, through the exchange of the prize you’ll get your reward received.
2. We will not disclose any personally identifiable information to any third party.
3. Use of any information we gather for the purpose of statistics and research will
  be limited to aggregate level, without identification of any individual. 

Payment Mode
Your prize will be pay through Paypal account. Please check and confirm your Paypal account when you make an aplication for payment.
If due to your account problem we cant redeem or pay to others’ account, we wont be responsible for this!


About P28000364 Survey


nggota yang terhormat agus doni kristanto 

ID Online Survey Survei baru! Saranan dan anggapan Anda sangat berguna bagi meningkatkan kualitas produk.Jangan ragu, ayok menyertai!

INformasi survei
Nomor survei: P28000364
Nama survei: About P28000364 survey
Panjangnya: 18 menit
Angka bonus: 100 angka
Akhir Waktu: 2012.10.30
Masukkan survei:
Janjian kami
1. Asal anggota tidak mendapat angka dengan mengulangi rekeningnya atau cara illegal lain,iPanel Online menjanjikan bahwa kami pasti akan memberi Anda angka.Asal Anda menyelesaikan survei,Anda pasti akan mendapat hadiah kami dengan penukaran.
2. Kami tidak akan mengeluarkan informasi Anda..
3. Ajuran dan informasi yang Anda sajikan dalam survei semuanya untuk menyelidikan data survei dan statistik.Kami tidak akan mengenai informasi pribadi Anda

Hadiah anda akan dibayar dengan Paypal account. Silahkan kunjungi ke untuk mendaftar account Paypal; setelah itu update ke profil anda.
Pada saat anda mengajukan penukaran, sistem kami akan langsung mengalihkan ke account Paypal anda.